Certification specific training generally begins after Christmas, and the most focused clinics are on weekends at 8 a.m. before the public can load. There will be a point person for each level, and a coordinator to answer questions whenever needed and to help keep things lined up smoothly.
If you’re thinking of taking a Certification Exam or Specialist Certification this year, be sure to plan well ahead to register. Visit the PSIA/AASI Northwest website for the most current event calendar.
Important info for “early load” clinics:
- Be on time or early. This means to the locker room, not the lift.
- If you’re late (which you won’t be), wait at the bottom of the hill until your group comes down. You can’t load alone and catch up with them.
- Wear your uniform.
- Each clinic pod should load the lift together and stay together on the hill.
- Smile, say please and thank you, and be pleasant and respectful to any lifties or other Mountain Ops people that you come in contact with.
- Please pass this word along to other staff. Usually the regulars do great with these things and it’s the random person who just decides to show up that doesn’t follow this pattern.
Here are some videos taken of the Level 2 & 3 Mock Exam at Mt. Hood Meadows, Oregon. This footage was shot to give exam candidates an idea about what the Level II and/or Level III Exam process is like. Hope you find it useful. The PSIA-NW task videos can be found here: http://www.psia-nw.org/video-galleries/